Citramanik 1.0 Ready to Release

Citramanik is the next generation of the famous Inkscape export tool, Inkporter. This tool has all the features of Inkporter plus additional features and improvements that make the export process faster and more efficient.
From the test results, this tool can export 5x (or more) faster than the Inkporter. Currently, the development of the tools has reached the alpha stage and in the near future, Citramanik will be able to be used freely and for free by everyone.
But before that, Devlovers-ID will open a donation for the development of this tool. We agree to determine the minimum amount of donations that come before Citramanik is freely given to the public. In short, we will wait until the donation is collected in the amount of 5.5 million (IDR) before activating the download button.
This donation will certainly be useful for further development of Citrmanik, because we will provide regular feature updates and direct support, especially to donors. All information about received donation will provided in this page:
Citramanik can be used on Linux, Windows, and Mac operating systems (in testing). If you are an Inkscape user selling image assets on a popular marketplace, then Citramanik is the best partner you should have.
Citramanik on Linux
Citramanik on MacOS
Citramanik on Windows