Citramanik 1.3.2

Citramanik 1.3.2
Citramanik 1.3.1 Changelogs:
- Fix huge export file issue, so now you can export with big size bitmap embeded in your SVG
Download & Install Citramanik
You can download Citramanik via the download page: The installer for the version of each OS will be uploaded periodically, please always check to make sure.
Good news for Debian/Ubuntu base user, now you can install Citramanik via Gimpscape repository. Follow instruction to use this PPA via this link:
For Arch based user, you can get latest Citramanik from AUR.
Found A Bug?
Stability is a myth. So, if you find a bug or get a crash while using Citramanik, please report it via Github Issue: We’ll check it as soon as we can and provide regular updates.
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